Welcome to Do You Know Him? We are a Bible-believing church located in Farnborough, Hampshire. As followers of Christ, we welcome people from all walks of life who truly are seeking the Truth. We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God and gives us the blueprint for life eternal.
Do You Know Him?
The title (Do You Know Him?) is intentional in nature. It both poses a deliberate challenge calling one's attention to God once more. But it also serves as a clarion call to others who may be more established in their knowledge and understanding of Christ. At that point, they soon realise that the actual inverse of that question is more important;
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity".
Who we Are
DYKH? Is a church. Admittedly (at first glance) that statement may appear to be rather brief and lacking in depth. Yet, when you look at scripture and understand that the Lord came to destroy the temple and raise it in three days (John 2:19), we then understand that there is so much more to the word ‘church’. The true church is both qualified to be called "the remnant" and "the Bride of Christ". Jesus Christ is our living Head and we are His body of believers. Our purpose for fellowship is to gather to give Him due praise, worship and to recognise the unquestionable authority of the Word of God.

What We Believe
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and hold to its complete authority.
We believe there is one God who has revealed Himself as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man, crucified for our sins and bodily resurrected to reconcile us to God.
We believe all people have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, and salvation is found by grace through faith in Christ alone.
We believe water baptism and communion were established by Jesus and practiced by the early Church.
We believe the Holy Spirit empowers believers with supernatural gifts and the fruit to become witnesses for Christ.
We believe Jesus Christ is returning soon to gather His people, judge the world, and usher in the new heaven and earth for the redeemed.
See our full Statement of Faith here for more details on what we believe as a church by clicking Learn more below.

Knowing Jesus Through Following Him
At our church, we believe faith in Jesus requires more than a one-time prayer. To be born again in Christ, you must daily carry your cross — leaving your old life behind to embrace His path of righteousness.
Who is Jesus? As God’s Son, He took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross, then defeated death by rising again, so that whoever believes can have eternal life. This is an incredible gift! But it requires our commitment to make Jesus the Lord of every area of our lives, not just Savior.
Want to know Jesus? Here are steps to start following Him:
• Confess your sins and declare Jesus as Lord
• Read the Bible to grow in the wisdom and ways of Christ
• Attend church, hear Biblical teaching, and receive mentoring
• Yield to the changes Jesus directs for how you live life
Watch our intro video, “Tremble to the Cross,” on what it means to know Christ and follow Him faithfully. Then, read more about the repentant, surrendered life He calls every believer to live by clicking the button below.
Our Stories
From Pain to Purpose:
Read & Watch Our Inspiring Testimonies
Stories of Transformation: How Faith in Christ Renews Lives
Experience the Power of God's Love Through Real-Life Stories
Journeys of Hope and Healing
These authentic testimonies come from people across all walks of life, each telling a unique story of transformation. Witness how individuals grappling with addictions – be it to drugs, alcohol, or pornography – discovered freedom through faith. Hear from those who, once entangled in the depths of depression and suicidal thoughts are now walking in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Breaking Free from the Past
Our stories are not just about struggles but about victory and renewal in Jesus Christ. Many encountered Him while seeking an escape from cults, witchcraft, or a life devoid of meaning. In Christ, they found redemption, overcoming shame, sorrow, and sin.
A Celebration of New Beginnings
Transformed by His grace, these individuals now live purposefully and joyfully. Their experiences are a powerful testament to the good news of God's love and the profound changes it brings.
Your Invitation to Inspiration
No matter your journey, these stories are here to inspire you. Watch as real people share their journeys of surrendering to God and witness how Jesus transformed their pain into something beautiful.
Revelation 12:11