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Praying Hands

About Us

Who Are We?

DYKH? Is a church. Admittedly (at first glance) that statement may appear to be rather brief and lacking in depth. Yet, when you look at scripture and understand that the Lord came to destroy the temple and raise it in three days (John 2:19), we then understand that there is so much more to the word ‘church’. The true church is both qualified to be called "the remnant" and "the Bride of Christ". Jesus Christ is our living Head and we are His body of believers. Our purpose for fellowship is to gather to give Him due praise,  worship and to recognise the unquestionable authority of the Word of God.

Our Beginnings...

DYKH was born out of a burden for the lost. When Thomas John first came to the Lord, he carried a heavy burden for the community in which he lived. It almost seemed as though Jesus Christ (and who he is) was wholly absent from the hearts of the people. There was no fear of God; no knowledge of His great love for lost mankind and absolutely no gratitude or reverence for His name! Such palpable and disturbing realities moved his heart deeply. This burden coupled with the desire to serve as a lighthouse for those caught in the tempestuous waves of the rough seas of life (and those searching for Truth) is what eventually led to the title 'Do You Know Him?'

The title (Do You Know Him?) is intentional in nature. It both poses a deliberate challenge calling one's attention to God once more. But it also serves as a clarion call to others who may be more established in their knowledge and understanding of Christ. At that point, they soon realise that the actual inverse of that question is more important;


"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity". 


- Matthew 7:21-23  KJV


To this day, this verse sends shudders down my spine as it's evident that the audience that hears this rebuke from Christ are ‘deluded believers’ who never pursued an intimate relationship with the Father through His Son and therefore either grew cold or were never truly saved, to begin with. DYKH also serves as body of Saints who worship the Lord in one accord. This is also key to a believer’s growth and ultimately serves as making disciples – which is what the Lord Himself commanded us to do; (Matt 28:18-20 KJV).

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko
Do You Really Know Him?
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